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Saturday, May 12, 2007

SOS 12 May 07

Erik: You are engaging both your push press and push jerk with too wide a stance. Your feet have no where to go. If you watch Eleanor you can see her walk her feet in closer together between each rep. Do this, it will help you transfer more force up from the ground!

Melanie: You are leaning forward noticably during your push press and jerks. Keep your chest up and push your butt back slightly. You are landing on your toes, you need to send your butt back behind you when you land otherwise you could jack up your knees if you continue this way. Sort it out!

Elea: Don't let the bar slie down your shoulders during you dip. As you go down keep your shoulders pressing up against the weight by expanding your rib cage. Breath into the bottom of your lungs and this will occur. Use your diaphragm thats right you dia-fragam. :) Otherwise - I better start working on my push presses because you aren't too far behind!

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